HSU Brand Resources

Join us in taking pride in our brand.

Our University’s brand is its identity. It is what people think of and feel when they hear our name. It differentiates us from other colleges and universities, by visually sharing what is special about Hardin-Simmons University.

Our logo is a key component in this identity. It is the face of Hardin-Simmons University. Some may see our logo, and view us as a family, with a common mission of sharing Christ’s love. To others, we may be a familiar face they have yet to meet. Our logo is the key visual to communicate our academic excellence, enthusiastic spirit, and unshakable faith.

As ambassadors of HSU and our brand, we must promote, protect, and advance HSU’s image with both internal and external audiences. This style guide is an important tool in conveying our message to people around the world – that they would recognize us by our clear, consistent, and concise “familiar face,” and one day call us “family.”

Our style guides provide firm and consistent guidelines to use when applying HSU’s logos, colors, and other brand-related designs.

With consistent and proper usage, the HSU brand encourages people to connect with the university and increases our recognition in the community.

Please reference these guides anytime that you are considering using HSU’s branding or logos. If you have any questions at all, please contact the Office of University Marketing. We’d love to help! If you’d like to request help with a new design creation, you can also use our online form: Design Request Form.

Each of the style guides below can be viewed interactively online, or via the “download” button once the guide has loaded.

Click to view Academic style guide.

Click to view Athletic/Spirit style guide.

The Hardin-Simmons University logo has been designed and implemented with care. Our logo is the face of Hardin-Simmons University. It is important that everyone at Hardin-Simmons feels confident in using our logo correctly.

HSU Shield

HSU Type Logo

The illustrated portion of the HSU Academic Logo is referred to as the “shield” of the logo. Featuring Logsdon chapel and the banner showcasing the year in which HSU was formed, it is the central axis to the logo.

The letterform portion of the logo is referred to as the “type” of the logo. At times, the type will contain the abbreviated HSU along with the Hardin-Simmons University, while other forms of the logo will only include one or the other. Special care was taken that all lettering is spaced and adjusted for aesthetics and optimal legibility.

Approved Combinations

Hardin-Simmons Horizontal

Hardin-Simmons Vertical

HSU Horizontal

HSU Vertical

HSU & Hardin-Simmons Horizontal

HSU & Hardin-Simmons Vertical


Horse & Rider

Cowboy Profile

HSU Type

Approved Spirit Logo Combinations (Examples)

(NOTE: This list is not comprehensive. To request more detail about using the HSU Spirit Logo, please see the HSU Spirit Logo Style Guide above, or contact the Office of University Marketing.)

Rider with HSU

Rider with Cowboys

Profile with Cowboys

Profile with HSU

The Hardin-Simmons University logo should always use the purple and gold hues as specified on this page. CMYK color mixtures should be used for all 4-color printing.

In 4-color printing, ink will appear differently when printed on coated (glossy paper than it does on uncoated (non-glossy) paper. Please ensure that the correct color values are used for the type of paper that it will appear on.

The RGB values are also shown here for any digital use, along with the hexadecimal codes for web/online applications, never for official printing.

Academic Colors


Pantone: 268C, 268U
Glossy: CMYK C78/M100/Y0/K12
Non-Glossy: C75/M100/Y0/K15


RGB: R88/G20/B130
Hex: #581483


Pantone: 1255C, 1245U
Glossy: CMYK C9/M35/Y98/K30
Non-Glossy: C6/M26/Y97/K15


RGB: 173/132/31
Hex: #AD841F


Pantone: N/A
Glossy: CMYK C0/M0/Y0/K35


RGB: R180/G180/B180
Hex: #B5B5B5

Spirit Colors


Pantone: 268C, 268U
Glossy: CMYK C78/M100/Y0/K12
Non-Glossy: C75/M100/Y0/K15


RGB: R88/G20/B130
Hex: #581483


Pantone: 123C, 115U
Glossy: CMYK C0/M19/Y89/K0


RGB: R255/G199/B44
Hex: #FFC72C


Pantone: N/A
Glossy: CMYK C0/M0/Y0/K35


RGB: R180/G180/B180
Hex: #B5B5B5

Just as the colors used to represent Hardin-Simmons University are important, so are the typefaces (fonts) used to present the University in a consistent image. Below are the typefaces that should be used in all collateral materials when possible. Please note that these should not be used instead of an approved logo, only as a supplement to the logo.

Primary Typefaces

Secondary Typefaces

Our departmental logos allow HSU to consistently maintain our desired branding, while still allowing our academic and support departments to incorporate their titles. If you have any questions about a logo for your department, please contact the Office of University Marketing.




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